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I'm Ashley and I live and breathe art. Artistic expression is how I get through my day. Won't you try it?

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Flight of Fancy

Flight of Fancy, 2011
Acrylic/Latex on canvas
Abstract, 48 x 24 in.

Flight of Fancy is a dream I had last night. There was this beautiful, colorful Beagle puppy frolicking around in my grandmothers backyard with my puppies back home. I woke up with a huge smile on my face and an inspiration to paint what I saw in my dream. He is sleepy from running around in my head all night and so I let him rest on my feet. :)


  1. You should record your dreams and research the meaning of them. A great online dream dictionary I personally use is www.dreammoods.com

  2. I usually look them up but I didnt on this one for some reason. I just woke up so happy that I forgot and started painting :) Ooh, I'll have to check out that site! I've been using hyperdictionary.com but I will definitely give that site a look! Thank you!
